Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Lupakan aku..

Hidup ni memang pelik..
Kadangkala kita perlu buat keputusan yg mungkin melukakan hati org lain.
Kadangkala kita tersepit antara kebahagiaan sendiri dan harapan dia yg setia menanti selama ini.
Cuma yg pasti aku nk dia tahu yg hati ini bukan miliknya..Berhentilah menanti kerana dlm hidup ni pastinya ada yg lebih baik untuk dia.
Lupakan aku...

Hidup bukan untuk disia2kan.

Thursday, December 7, 2006

hectic days..

The week passed by so fast.Time is REALLY flying..

Another 2 weeks for my O&G clinical skills xm and my preparation?Sigh.I couldn't even give a figure..20%?70?80?The truth is i just want to sit for the xm..yet i have to be well-prepared for it.The week was filled with days full of tissues,antibiotics,antihistamines n mucolytics..waaaa!I got a flu.Follicular tonsilitis.Alhamdulillah it's getting better.

Taking it from another point of view,this rotation is better than paeds.For the first time i understand why i'm standing in the field.The truth is I dunno why i felt lost in paeds.Maybe i didn't form an 'aura' with the group.heheh..

May tomorrow be MUCH MUCH brighter n better than today.Amin...

hectic days..

The week passed by so fast.Time is REALLY flying..

Another 2 weeks for my O&G clinical skills xm and my preparation?Sigh.I couldn't even give a figure..20%?70?80?The truth is i just want to sit for the xm..yet i have to be well-prepared for it.The week was filled with days full of tissues,antibiotics,antihistamines n mucolytics..waaaa!I got a flu.Follicular tonsilitis.Alhamdulillah it's getting better.

Taking it from another point of view,this rotation is better than paeds.For the first time i understand why i'm standing in the field.The truth is I dunno why i felt lost in paeds.Maybe i didn't form an 'aura' with the group.heheh..

May tomorrow be MUCH MUCH brighter n better than today.Amin...

Friday, December 1, 2006

Iqra' bismi RABBIKAllathiKHALAQ

Program semalam kat umah junior aku n kitorg membincangkn surah Al-Alaq n kepentingan ilmu.Antara yg aku dpt ms prog tu ialah hikmah surah ni diturunkan:

1)Utk menyuruh umat Islam membaca kerana dgn membaca ilmu akan datang dan dgn ilmu kita boleh beramal.Dgn ilmu juga datangnye iman..Dan dgn iman barulah dtgnye Islam..

2)Surah ni juga menunjukkan kasih-sayang Allah pd kita kerana tidak membiarkn kita sendirian di muka dunia ni.Penurunan wahyu pertama ini sekaligus menunjukkan hidayah Allah telah tiba utk kita sama2 menyelami hikmah penciptaan manusia--Wa ma khalaqtul jinna wal insan illa liya3budun--

Honestly aku memula tak rajin gak nk pegi prog ni.Tp since ni first meeting aku pegi la jugak..Alhamdulillah ade benda baru yg aku dpt.Bile fikir2 balik kat sini je la pun yg aku nk belajar pasal tafsir,hadis etc ni.Bile blk nnt dh sibuk keje cmne nk carik mase free cmni nk duduk mentafsir Quran ngan kawan2 yg cintakan ilmu.

Buat jui(naqibah aku) thanks sbb bagi msg bertalu2 suh kitorg ni dtg ha..keke.
Allah bless us all.